Sunday, May 11, 2008

Free day, and day of rest before the start of the week!

Sunday, May 11th.

Today I took the day off completely. Actually I got a hair cut. Not to good. Its kind of hard to know where to go. hahaha. but it is sweltering hot here, so shorter hair is not a bad thing. I walked around the streets today. In this area of town, the very center of the city, is where the "foriegners" stay in the nice hotels not to far from anything. The center square of the city is right out in front of my hotel. Its really funny, the park is full of really old people in the morning swinging their arms and stretching in all wierd directions! They get there at five in the morning before the traffic, and some were still there when I had my breakfast this morning. The old people also swing their legs one by one over the railing around the lake to stretch. Its really hilarious! This city must feel odd to them, as it has changed so much in their life time. To think these older people learned french because it was a colony, then they had to learn english starting in the 60's. The older people are so much different then the rest of the people in the city. They have a certain calmness that leaks through every bone in their body. When they smile, the wrinkles pile up on eachother like I've never seen. They have a long story, even a new person to the city can tell. I crossed the street, today, because I had no friends with a motor bike, and no one to take me anywhere! It was scary, so I called a man begging me to buy something and went with him across the street. WOW! The first time was crazy, motor bikes flying by only inches away, honking their horns every time. People honk as they cross intersections, you dont look anywhere but infront of you, and honk so nobody hits you! The food is overwelmingly great! its odd and tasty all in the same bite. They use a special fish sauce in almost everything, at first its all you can taste, but then after a couple times, the numerious other flavors make it so good! Some restaurants are so crowded you literally jump onto little plastic seats trying to find spots. Its like eating at the "kids table" times ten! hahha. This city has more people than I could have ever dreamt of! Walking in the street, I saw a woman sleeping in a hammic just inches away from fast traffic, she was sleeping, but when I walked by, one eye opened as she noticed i was looking at her! These people have a sixth sense living in this scramble! But over all I'm living it up in the hotel because i know this will end soon, and I'll be in for a shock! A real shock, about what life is like here, with nothing! The garbage is put in hand woven wicker baskets on the side of the streets, and the garbage men are literally covered in mud because they carry the baskets on their sholders to the dumpster. It rains here, in down pouring sheets, but the biggest question is how do the people stay so nice and polite in this city?

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