Sunday, August 3, 2008

One more trip to Hon Chong with the HR team!

This is the ending to our trip in Hon Chong. With almost everyone here! Its a great group photos of my co-workers.
This is the company housing estate in Hon Chong.

I was happy to travel to Hon Chong one more time with the HR department! Starting the pictures below is saturday morning before I left on a ferry to Phu Quoc Island. Its nice to just walk around, and stumble on anything and everything.

This si Hai Ha and me!

Hammac life makes me so happy! I want this in the U.S.
I don't know why, but this women also asked me to take this picture of her.

Trading Vietnamese Style!

Maybe the personality of these two women is a good idea of the generation gap in Vietnam. The older women is very embarrased and shy. But the younger one is proactive, and she asks me to take the picture of her.

I included this picture, because I think the Vietnamese are very proud of their people. And sometimes you see the flag often. I think more outside of Saigon. But its just a little observation.
If you have a couple hours to walk around, you never know what you can find.

I asked these kids if they could take the picture of me, but they just came and sat next to me.
Then they were really happy, so we took pictures everywhere! And then I went to buy a bag of candy, and then I can pass the candy around to the kids when im traveling.

I love Vietnam, It seems that they have a special way of presenting and arranging food or anything really. It's completely organized in the way I would do it, but the sellers always take care to make it into something special. I think its unique to some counties to take care with detail. Because I dont think all people do this.
The Hon Chong area is really interesting, because it is on the sea and it has these really unique mountains poping up everywhere.
I always feel the boats are really interesting.

South Vietnam is tropical, and the ocean is untouched. Here in the ocean I briefly helped two women catch shrimp with large nets, on the shore.
You can see how wonderful Vietnam is. And this is not any dramatic picture. It's just this beautiful!

There are little birds in cages at over south Vietnam. And this one could talk, "Hello", and some other words in Vietnamese that people told me to tell the bird.

I was feeling creative below. But its just some simple everyday things in Vietnam

The markets are always colorful, creative, and interesting. Bun Bun is the organge one. It seems I eat that one here in Vietnam a lot. And I love the all the fruit I have tasted here so far.

We had a site tour of the Hon Chong Cement Plant. All day. The cement plant is sad, but the surrounding area is surely a extremely unique place in the world.

o a ...

After the site tour, we could have fun in the Holcim Club House! There was karaoke, table tennis, drinking, and dancing!
You see, im not short anymore in Vietnam! Hanh is my mentor in HR.

Nhung is in the front left, and she is one of the four people who learned the most english with me! And Tho is in the front right!

This is Thuy Anh and Hinh. You can see Thuy Anh's face, she is laughing so much. And having such a fun time. They are dancing everywhere!
Hhhahaha. I'm laughing just putting this picture here! Look at Khuon on the left! And Hinh on the bottom right! Thuy Anh looks peacefully happy, and Hanh in the middle looks crazy fun! Ms. Lan is making some fun faces. I love it when she laughs, she laughs really intense, and things are really funny for her! Nam is the man flying at the top.

This is one of the many nice pictures of Thuy Anh and me!

Thats Heru in the right back. One time I gave him a french bread sandwich, but It had a lot of Chilli's! Wopse!

Do you see Vietnams flag on the left, and Holcim's in the middle. Holcim Vietnam is a joint venture company with the Vietnamese government.

Kristina on the left, and Jennifer on the right. The other two interns like me!
This is Hoa Le, dancing with the traditional Cambodians in a tiny village near Hon Chong. They made a night of dancing and dinner for us. You can see in the background, the traditional way to dance, little hand movements! Then after Hoa Le, we all got up and were dancing this night.
Nguyet, Hai and Hanh! All smiles!

We are trying the traditional dance, and there is the Thot Not fruit on the bottom left. We had a Thot Not dinner, with Thot Not drinks, soup, etc.

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