Monday, August 4, 2008

Taking the Ferry from Hon Chong to Phu Quoc Island

One of my more favorite places in Vietnam so far in Phu Quoc. It is really untouched, but its a tropical island. I think most people dream of that, culturally it seems to also be distinct. I really like this island. And although its hard to get there, and the plane ticket from the western world is expensive, I think If i ever have enough time and am willing to fly there, I will take a vacation there. Its truely far from home, and cut off communication wise. Its the perfect island vacation.

This is a picture I took from my motorbike. The road gets pretty rough, but the ocean always looks perfect.

I meet these children in the center of the island, maybe they have never left this small island. But all kids appreciate candy!

My eyes first saw this upon stepping off the boat.
I went swimming with these children.

Heres some cows!

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