This is me burned, after enjoying the ocean side pool in Hon Chong with jennifer. Do you recognize the fruit? It was all new to me when I first got here.

The same market, this is the vegetable section, there is a fruit, meat, and goods part to some markets.

View from Hon Chong terrace apartments.

This is Kristina below, She works in Hong Chong. Thats a restaurant, where I had squid, and giant crabs. You can see them fresh before eating.

A vendor? ahhahah

The normal boats in Vietnam. Just imagine them pok a dotting the ocean fishing, at all times. Always a wonder and Vietnam unique scene. I will miss the fishermen. Excellent people.

Just a little break, a couple Tiger beers and a nap will be just fine! ohh and a nice view. Also, happy little children can help their parents serve drinks. So funny!

View from the restaurant above a couple pictures.
1 comment:
Kyle - Your cousin Nancy Sue here! I can't believe how beautiful everything is. You must be having a wonderful time! Can't wait to see more pics when you get back! Miss you! take care & be careful! xoxoxo
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